Online Course FAQ
How do I sign up for an online course?
You can view the available courses here. Click a course to view the course details. On the page will be green buttons to purchase/add to cart.
How do I access my online course?
When you purchase your course, you will be asked to create your account login info on the checkout form:
Save this information as you will need this on the account login page:
If you lose your login information, you can use the "forgot password" link on the account page:
How are the courses formatted?
Each course has unique materials that may include:
- Diagrams and images
- Videos
- Text
- Downloadable documents such as PDFs
Within the course are Modules that are topics or sections of the course. Each modules has units that contain the course content and materials. Once you complete a unit, you can advance to to the next unit. We do recommend taking the course in order and not skipping around to different units.
I purchased a course and logged in, but now can't access it...
The website uses "cookies" to temporarily save your account info which allows you to login and access your course. If you remain logged in for a lengthy period of time without being active, the system will log you out. However, on your own computer or mobile device, it may not appear that you are logged out and you may receive an error that you do not "have access". If this happens, we recommend you clear all browser cache or reboot/restart your computer or mobile device.