Avid Counseling & Consultation Services • 541-524-4100 • Start YOUR journey towards a better tomorrow


The Fix-Its

You as an individual may be confident in things you know to be true, correct, right, or facts. You may feel passionate about them or struggle when others don’t know or understand them. When someone says information contradictory to these truths you hold dear or they act contrary to these truths, you may feel something immediately strike you to fix or correct the situation. You may tell them your truth, your facts, to convince them to do something different. For example, someone says, “I can stay healthy without ever washing my hands.” You may want to correct them and tell them the opposite or get them to wash their hands. That’s “the fix-its” coming out.

However, by deciding what the solution should be, why it should be, and how it should look without considering the thoughts and ideas of others, you are likely to generate pushback while reducing the likelihood of engagement. They will lean harder into their truths, digging their heels in deeper. By providing your ideas for solutions, you have threatened the individual’s sense of autonomy. The facts in their mind will feel even more true. When we shift and explore and stop being the expert, it allows for the ability to move together and to begin to discover one another’s truths.

This can be accurate about our self-truths, or at least what we believe we have to be, should be, and are. We get distorted thinking; we believe other people’s truths (like our parents’) instead of what our core knows is wrong but has been pushed down. It’s being true to yourself, your core truth.

As you continue your journey of self-reflection, be open to discovering the fix-its that you keep telling yourself. Be open to finding your core truths; they will want to come out and push through these layers of fix-its that have clung to you for so long. As you discover them, write them down in your journal before, during, or after. These fix-its will want to wash away and orient you back to the true you; it comes from your absolute worth.

What are your known Fix-Its?

What are your Core Truths?

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