Parenting course to be hosted at Douglas ESD
The Douglas Education Service District will be hosting a free parenting workshop from 5-7 p.m. Feb. 3 with the aim of giving parents strategies to stop fighting with their children.
Jason Wilcox and Dr. Thaen Saelee, who will be running the workshop, said the strategies they will be teaching have helped them raise their own children in a more understanding way.
“Before I used these techniques, it was a typical home. You’d have your different arguments, the fights would come and go, there was challenges here and there, but it was still a lot of fun,” Wilcox said. “But ever since I’ve learned these skills and really applied them in the home, the last argument I can remember with one of my kids was about three years ago, four years ago.”
Wilcox and Saelee, who have been married since 2019, said they use a method called “motivational interviewing,” a technique Wilcox said was popularized in the 1980’s to support those suffering from substance abuse disorders, eventually moving on to be used in the medical system, legal system and with parenting. The two run a nonprofit, Motivational Parent, to teach the method to parents both online and in-person.
Read the Full Article originally published on the News Review website.